Mickey the Hedgehogs Webcam Results

Hi everyone,hope you’re all having a great weekend!We’re have lots of wet and windy weather for the weekend here so I’m guessing we won’t be doing much except for lazing around but that’s okay. Anyway we thought you would like to see the results of the Hogcam the mummy set up for Thursday night….well it rained and rained and well it rained,the Hogcam did get a bit of wet on it but not enough to stop it but the rain did cause a bit of distortion but we did get something on Mickey so here’s the video clips……..This first one is just to show the rain interference but we caught a snail on camera!This was at 9.30pm

Direct Youtube link click hereIf you look at the black square that is Mickey’s personal door in and out of the greenhouse,his food bowls set up just in front of the door way about 10 inches inside so you can just make him out having some dinner.This was at about 3am.

Direct Youtube link click hereGot a bit of moisture on the camera here but you can still just see Mickey’s eyes moving about,This was at about 5am, he’s having some more snacks we think in these next 2 videos.

Direct Youtube Link click hereIn this Video Mickey comes right to the door he pops his head out looks up at the rain and turns around and goes back in…..he really doesn’t like the rain!This is was filmed just before 6am and is the clearest shot we got of him.

Direct Youtube Link Click HereSo that was it Mickey didn’t come out of the greenhouse at all and who can blame him with all that rain.Mummy didn’t reset the camera last night as she needed to dry it out a bit but tonight she’s going to try and set it up inside the greenhouse so it will stay dry as we are forecast to have lots of rain and wind over the next couple of nights again so this way we will have a clearer view of Mickey.

Thursday we did get some dry weather so we did get out for a little adventure so here’s a sneaking peek at that adventure!

Tomorrow you get to see more of my adventure and the results of Mickey’s Hogcam…..See you then!


Some Adventuring and some Hedgehog Planing!

Hi Everyone….Finally mummy is home from work and its a dry day with some sunny spell….and that means I get to go out on a little adventure and mummy gets to try out my new carrier again!Yay for Me!

Yep I couldn’t contain my excitement so off I went!


Autumn is definitely here the ferns are nearly all brown and the trees are changing colour and dropping their leaves fast but it was still pleasent out in the sun today!

Just chilling by the river!

Is that a tasty morsel of grass just for me?

So that was my Adventure today!

Now on to the Hedgehog Planing!So mummy has been trying to get Mickey on the web came but once he moved back in to the greenhouse it doesn’t look like he’s been going up the front garden much at all so she made a little weather box for the web cam to protect it from the elements so she could see if Mickey is even going out of the greenhouse.So here is the view,but in night vision it will look different ,so keep your paws crossed Mickey shows himself tonight!


Tis Time To Announce Thee Winner of Thee Best Dressed Pirate Competition!

Arrrgh Me Hearties tis time to come to the end of pirating,Buccaneering and thee like and Announce thee winner of thee Best Dressed Pirate Competition as voted by ye all!

Tis with Great Pleasure That I get to make This Announcement….Tis Thee Successor to Thee Queen of Heaven…our Nellie Bellies Very own Captain Marvelous and new to Blogville….Tis a proud Moment Indeed!

                        Congratulations my New Friend!

Sunday Selfies and Mickey the Hedgehog update!

Well its time for Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head

This is me looking for a smugglers cave on holiday a couple of weeks ago….I think I was successful!

And Mummy Snapped these fellows yesterday while she was out but I don’t know they seem a bit wooden to me….hehehehe…

Now we have a major Update on Mickey the Hedgehog…..

Well the day before we came home from our little Vacation Mickey went walk about so mummy still left some dry food and meal worms down in the greenhouse every night in case he came back.She also cleaned out his nest box and put some fresh hay in side in case he decided to come back…..

Well Tuesday night after going walk about for a week  he came by for a visit and a snack so mummy left him a full dinner of his wet cat food and dry food and meal worms on Wednesday night but it rained really heavy that night so he didn’t come by,but she still left him his full dinner Thursday night…..and yes he came by and mummy thought he had moved back in to the nest box but she wasn’t sure.So Friday night she set up my webcam under the carport where he comes down to the green house to see if he was just stopping by for dinner or if he had moved back in….well she had the angle set up wrong and didn’t catch any thing on camera but he was still eating the dinner that mummy left for him and he was leaving us a present of poop and pee mail in thanks.Last night mummy reset the angle of the web came and this time she got it right if he went past he would get filmed no matter what time he went past.

So mummy checked the footage of the web cam and no Mickey but he ate his dinner last night and left double poop and and pee mail in thanks…..So you know what that means don’t you?Yes Mickey has moved back in to the green house and we are very happy about that!Of course he may go walk about from time to time but that’s OK too

Now Here is your final REMINDER to vote for the best dressed Pirate at my party this week,Voting closes Midnight tonight so Visit yesterdays post to Vote…..Voting Time is ‘ere…..Vote For Thee Best Dressed Pirate


Voting Time is ‘ere….vote for The Best Dressed Pirate!

So Thee Party is over,now be thee task to pick thee best dressed pirate!Ye can vote ‘ere by saying thee number of thee one ye think is thee best in thee comments below and on me Face Book Voting Event by liking the Photo of thee Pirate ye think is thee best dressed Pirate and the one with thee most votes will be ye winner!Voting Close on Midnight Sunday UK time!

There will be No Names just thee Photo’s will be Numbered for thee poll!







































Its Time To Party!Arrgh Mates Gather round!

Come Gather round all ye scurvy sea dog and and all manner of scoundrels its Time for Me Party so let me introduce ye all to me Pirate Mates!New Pirates will be add over thee next couple of days till 22nd September at Mid night UK time So ye St be ‘aving time to join thee rest of us and Party!And remember the best Dressed pirate will win me treasure!And don’t forget to Hop over to me Facebook Party too!

First we ‘ave me Canadian Kitty mates…. Kali

and Shoko…

Then we ‘ave our southern Gals….Dezi

and Raena…

Then we ‘ave Hailey

And Zaphod….

Then there be Teddy

Then there be Da Pheny

Then there be Tails around the ranch

Then there be Marvelous……

And ‘is crew…

And then we ‘ave Madi

And now there be The Real Cats Crew

Then We ‘ave Captain Felix Grey…

and Captain Q Tip…

Then there be Pirates Lucky and Mandi…

Then we ‘ave thee crew from ATCAD…Pirate Yang

Pirates Tuiren and Chimera…

And Pirates Scylla,Fenris and Yin searching for thee treasure…

Then we ‘ave Pirate Siddhartha Henry

And we ‘ave Pirate Bryce…

‘ere be Pirate Zoey and Captain Dougie

Zoey and Dougie

Tis Captains Murphy and Stanley to join thee fun!


Captains Cody and Dakota have join thee fun!

Thee Crew from The Cat on My Head has Arrived for thee Gathering with Captains Cooper Murphy and Mauricio in their full regalia!

Now We ‘ave thee Ghetto Pirate girl her self Cap’t La Tessa Rose…

Arrrgh its a blast from thee past Miss Captain Angel Nylablue!

Tis time for another Bun Captain….Tis Bun Captain Finn..

And now Tis time for Captain Hunter thee Brave!

This ‘ere be Sir Jack Swashbuckler Barkaneer and Captain Pipo Fang from thee Meezer’s Mews & Freckle’s Woofs Crew

Tis the Lone Star Cats crew for Thee late arrivals….

And ‘ere we ‘ave Cap’n Kinley and… First mate Brinley!

Now then me Hearties lets Join Felix Gray for thee Hula!

Now for some Pirate music…

Now tis time thee grog to quench ye thirst and to partake in thee grub to satify thee hunger in ye bellies!
















For thee Meaties out there!










And for The Veggies…













Sunday Selfies vacations and Updates

Yes its Sunday so that means its time for Sunday Selfies so I thought I would share some snaps with you from my little vacation…

this one is a bit blurry but its me travelling in the car,mummy has gotten me a new carrier so I can look out at the view or just go to sleep if I want to but I’ll share more on that in the future…

This is me in my Stroller….I went on my first train ride….how cool is that!

Me playing in front of the crowed!

One of the Locals!

Look I’m scrambling!

Pretty beach!

Me I found a smugglers cave!

Another day at the beach….life is good!

No filters or effects this is me at the beach being Devilishly Handsome!

Hey Everyone I’m just chilling at my Vacation Pad!

Now for some Updates and Reminders Don’t forget its my Pirate Party on Tuesday 19th September right through to 22nd so send in your photos of you in your best costumes either by Email  to rachel.dejong28@googlemail.com or direct to my Party event on Facebook

And now For an Update on Mickey the Hedgehog,well a couple of days ago he went walk about mummy is still putting food down for him in case he wants to come back but if not we we wish him good luck and we thank him for stopping by and letting us help him when he needed it!Its as it should be Mickey is back in the wild so all is good!

Sunday Selfies with The Cat on My Head

Speedy’s Annual Pirate Party 

Arrgh me hearties tis time to announce me annual pirate party !So get ye costumes dusted off and send ye photos to me at rachel.dejong28@googlemail.com,thee party starts on 19th September here on my blog and there Will be a Facebook event that will be up and running on thee weekend.

Thee party closes 22nd September and then voting will start on Saturday 23rd September here and on Facebook to be in with a chance of winning me treasure trove! 

So I wish ye good luck and be seeing ye at thee party! 

Sunday Selfie time but with Movies!

Yes it Sunday Selfie time but this last week the weather has been bad again so no new adventures for me so I thought I would share with you the movies from my last hiking adventure….

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsXV6iCxLQc youtube link

I hope you enjoyed my movies and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!Those of you in the Path of Irma stay safe and we will keep you in our thoughts.


Sunday Selfies with The Cat on My Head

Disaster preparedness for Pets……Are you ready?

Gosh its been an awful time in the US with the recent hit from Hurricane Harvey,Now Hurricane Irma is on its way having already hit the Caribbean and is being followed by Jose plus there is Katia over by Mexico.Mum said she has never heard of 3 hurricanes being in that area before all at the same time.So when The ASPCA asked if we could get this important message out we knew we had to say yes!

The ASPCA has been on the ground in Texas and these photo’s show the hard work they have been doing there…for all the info on the work they have been doing,you can read it HERE




So with Irma on its way and soon to be followed by Jose I want you to ask yourselves are you ready for these Hurricanes?Are you prepared to keep you pets safe?The ASPCA have a Special App with all sorts of tips on how to be prepared for a disaster like this.

So I’m here to ask you if you feel you’re not quite ready for a disaster then you should download the app and try it out,You can download the App HERE and the ASPCA want you to take the Pledge to get yourselves prepared which you can do HERE .The App will help with great tips and info in preparation for any disaster so you should check it out.

We Hope that all our friends stay safe through these awful hurricanes that are headed their way!