Guess Who?

 Guess Who?Yup its me Speedy been a while hasn’t it?Well we are all ok not doing very much because the tourists are down here in their droves and well they have no idea on social distancing So there have been no new adventures for me.So here’s a selfie of me to remind you all of me….

Its a good one of me considering I am all scruffy.I am shedding my coat everywhere my back has gone and left me with a short patch,I have short patches everywhere and it’s driving mum crazy with all my fine loss fluff going up her nose and in her eyes..

Well Bird is doing well pretty much independent though still comes for breaky and sometimes later in the day for snacks and water and of course a bath.The hedgehogs are eating us out of house and home,So we are all good!Hope you are all doing well too!